What is Roomgo?

Finding a great roommate or a decent room can be a very hard, time and energy consuming task, that’s why Roomgo is here to make your flatshare hunt an easy and efficient experience. We are not an agency, we can’t search on your behalf, but we do half the work for you and put you on the right track to find your wanted room or flatmate.

By registering with Roomgo (which is free!), room owners can post their Ads and room seekers can post their search Profiles to find a suitable match and make contact.


A flatmate wanted advertisement will be referred to as “Ad” on Roomgo. Once the Ad is posted, we will make it available for the room seekers, so having a detailed and complete Ad will help attract a suitable flatmate.

Search Profile

A person looking for a room should post a Search Profile to be able to see the rooms available. The room wanted ad is referred to as “Search Profile”. Writing a detailed profile is an effective way to find a room that matches your needs.

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